We have been watching videos of Moriah when she was a little. She was such a Sweetie! With her Christmas and Birthday "I wonder what it is!" with every present she opened. Her Pebbles Poof hairdo on top of her head was just too cute!
Now there is Luke. In the immortal words of Pooh, "Oh Bother!" He looks just like Moriah (in the face anyway) when she was that age. He is sweet in his own litte ways. The way he laughs when we are laughing; the way he makes his "S" sound; and the way he smiles and bounces on my lap when I sing "To God Be the Glory" to him...especially on the verse about him (don't look in your hymnal, he and I wrote it one morning when he was having trouble going to sleep); it all makes me realize how richly blessed we are with 2 beautiful healthy lovable children.
When Moriah was about Luke's age, she bit me one day. This was a shock! All of the Child Development hoopla that had been drilled into my head during college went right out the window. I spatted her on the leg (not hard; don't feel like you need to call the child abuse hotline on me for something that the statute of limitations has more than likely expired on) and said "No!" She cried for a little bit but not long. A few days later, same story different parent, she bit John. Same result, he spatted her and said "no!" and she cried a bit. It worked. She never bit us or anyone else again. Man, we are such good parents!! We mastered the "biting child" problem..........yeah, uh, WHATEVER!
Then came Luke! Luke bites. Luke bites hard. He has never even tried to bite anyone except family. I tried to tell myself and others that he was trying to kiss. I don't know though. He really seems to enjoy the pain it inflicts on us. We have tried everything short of running from him (Well, actually, Moriah has done that too!). His favorite now is coming up to you, biting you, looking up, smiling, SPATTING HIMSELF, and laughing because you are in deep pain! I want to hurt him just so he will know exactly how bad it hurts! But, just at that very moment, I have an out of body experience (like I'm watching the whole thing on TV) and it is pretty funny! I can't laugh though! Not because of the inappropriateness of it all, but because there is blood dripping down my face where those sharp little razor blades have penetrated my skin and I'm gritting my teeth to keep from screaming out in agony.
I'm sure that John and I did something in our childhood that caused our parents severe pain and this is our punishment!!!!!!