It's hard to believe that it has been 1 year. Our little man! I got to say for the first time "1 year ago today at this very time (12:53pm), you came into our lives." We had a really good day. We went to CiCi's and ate pizza and then went to the Best Western in Atlanta to spend the night. We ate cake and opened presents and fun was had by all. Luke dove into the cake and wiped the chocolate icing all over him. It was great! John told Moriah to hold Luke so he wouldn't crawl off of the table. Moriah started gagging like 'Ol' Faithful' was about to erupt and saying that it looked like poop. I had to eat some of the icing that was on Luke's leg to show her there was nothing to barf about. I must admit that it was a bit hard to choke it down since she was gagging over it!
When we left the hotel, John told them there was a towel in the room that was soiled. He said, "I wanted you to know that it is just chocolate!" Some man was checking into the hotel and he said, "I don't know! He (Luke) looks like he just did something on'ry!"
Which reminds me, we got him a t-shirt for his birthday that says "I'm definitely up to something!"
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