A couple of months ago Luke had 2 teeth on the bottom make their grand appearance. This seemed to cause him little pain...........us on the other hand, it hurts considerably when he gnaws on our faces. Those two little pearls were so cute in his mouth! But............................................ this past week he started waking up in the middle of the night, screaming in agony, and nothing seemed to help. We knew that he was teething but we didn't know the severity of it until this weekend. He gnaws and chews on everything from his own thumb to my face. Not to mention, the soles of his shoes, stuffed animals, teething toys, or (the one that irritates John the most) my Victoria's Secret underwear are favorites. Pretty much anything that he can get his mouth on has been used as a "chew" toy. He could not be consoled at times....no holding, no sitting, no standing, no playing.......just jump up and down, flailing about, and screaming as if to say "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to!"

Yesterday, "EUREKA!" He seemed to be in a good mood. Luke threw his head back and grinned really big and lo and behold.........the TEETH! He has 4 that erupted in a 24 hour period. Bless his heart. A few molars and he will be gnawing on T-bones.
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