Now that he is pulling up, we have learned just how convenient that little piece of plexiglass is. It is annoying to Moriah; she can't turn the TV off without the remote control now. But, I think she is beginning to realize, too, how important it is. One thing we didn't take into account was you cannot put a piece of plexiglass over a DVD player. So, after figuring out that the front of the TV was smooth and noth

Actually, this wasn't a problem until this past week. Luke loves his Baby Einstein videos. His favorite is Baby Beethoven; he falls into a comatose state when this is on. He likes Baby Mozart but not to the extent of the Beethoven. We purchased Language Nursery over the weekend. I think we may have wasted $15. He has shown no interest in this video. To be honest, neither have I. I, like Luke, also enjoyed the other two. But, this one has failed to capture my attention. I know that it is much like the other two except it is more language than music. And, not just English, it is also Spanish and French and maybe something else. I mean how would I know. The only other languages I speak besides English are Redneck and some Ebonics. I wondered, "What are they telling my baby to do?"
I began to think that maybe the timing was off of the watching. So, I put it in again. Luke crawls over to the TV, pulls up, and puts his little chubby fingers on the power button and turns the video off. He just crawls away. I thought it was a mistake. I turned it back on with the same result. He turned it off and crawls away. I thought this was a little funny. I looked at him and said, "Do you not like this show?" He looked at me, grinned, shook his head side to side (merely coincidental.....I think?!), and said "Da-da;" which means "NO!" So, I stopped trying.
A day or so later, we were watching Baby Beethoven. Luke crawled over to the TV, pulls up, turns the DVD player off, and begins to cry. I turned it back on for him and he giggled, showed me his muscles, and said, "Da-da;" which means "Thank you!"
Now, we have developed a new skill in higher level thinking. This morning, he was watching his daily dose of Baby Beethoven. He goes to the DVD player and turned it off. He begins to cry. I have the remote. So, I just push a few buttons and turn it back on. It comes back on; Luke looks at it; but, this time, he continues to cry. He turns it off again; then, crawls over to me (still crying). Instead of turning it back on immediately, I picked him up. He stopped crying. But, he starts looking around at the TV and starts to fuss. Apparently now, we must be held while watching our shows.
And, we finally made it through Language Nursery. I have narrowed the message they are trying to send Luke with this video. It is one of two things. It is either the Operation Manual for the DVD player or 'Quick! Take control of the house before the Girl gets home from school!"
1 comment:
I didn't know you had a blog spot, here is ours
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